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+function(e){"use strict";function t(){var e=document.createElement("bootstrap");var t={WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd otransitionend",transition:"transitionend"};for(var n in t){if(e.style[n]!==undefined){return{end:t[n]}}}return false}e.fn.emulateTransitionEnd=function(t){var n=false;var r=this;e(this).one("bsTransitionEnd",function(){n=true});var i=function(){if(!n)e(r).trigger(e.support.transition.end)};setTimeout(i,t);return this};e(function(){e.support.transition=t();if(!e.support.transition)return;e.event.special.bsTransitionEnd={bindType:e.support.transition.end,delegateType:e.support.transition.end,handle:function(t){if(e(t.target).is(this))return t.handleObj.handler.apply(this,arguments)}}})}(jQuery); // source --> https://sieuthichamsocxe.com/wp-content/themes/noor/framework/asset/site/js/module/countup.js?ver= (function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); } else { root.CountUp = factory(); } }(this, function(require, exports, module) { /* countUp.js by @inorganik */ // target = id of html element or var of previously selected html element where counting occurs // startVal = the value you want to begin at // endVal = the value you want to arrive at // decimals = number of decimal places, default 0 // duration = duration of animation in seconds, default 2 // options = optional object of options (see below) var CountUp = function(target, startVal, endVal, decimals, duration, options) { var self = this; self.version = function () { return '1.9.3'; }; // default options self.options = { useEasing: true, // toggle easing useGrouping: true, // 1,000,000 vs 1000000 separator: ',', // character to use as a separator decimal: '.', // character to use as a decimal easingFn: easeOutExpo, // optional custom easing function, default is Robert Penner's easeOutExpo formattingFn: formatNumber, // optional custom formatting function, default is formatNumber above prefix: '', // optional text before the result suffix: '', // optional text after the result numerals: [] // optionally pass an array of custom numerals for 0-9 }; // extend default options with passed options object if (options && typeof options === 'object') { for (var key in self.options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(key) && options[key] !== null) { self.options[key] = options[key]; } } } if (self.options.separator === '') { self.options.useGrouping = false; } else { // ensure the separator is a string (formatNumber assumes this) self.options.separator = '' + self.options.separator; } // make sure requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame are defined // polyfill for browsers without native support // by Opera engineer Erik Möller var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o']; for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; } if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) { window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; } function formatNumber(num) { var neg = (num < 0), x, x1, x2, x3, i, len; num = Math.abs(num).toFixed(self.decimals); num += ''; x = num.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? self.options.decimal + x[1] : ''; if (self.options.useGrouping) { x3 = ''; for (i = 0, len = x1.length; i < len; ++i) { if (i !== 0 && ((i % 3) === 0)) { x3 = self.options.separator + x3; } x3 = x1[len - i - 1] + x3; } x1 = x3; } // optional numeral substitution if (self.options.numerals.length) { x1 = x1.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(w) { return self.options.numerals[+w]; }) x2 = x2.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(w) { return self.options.numerals[+w]; }) } return (neg ? '-' : '') + self.options.prefix + x1 + x2 + self.options.suffix; } // Robert Penner's easeOutExpo function easeOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { return c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) * 1024 / 1023 + b; } function ensureNumber(n) { return (typeof n === 'number' && !isNaN(n)); } self.initialize = function() { if (self.initialized) return true; self.error = ''; self.d = (typeof target === 'string') ? document.getElementById(target) : target; if (!self.d) { self.error = '[CountUp] target is null or undefined' return false; } self.startVal = Number(startVal); self.endVal = Number(endVal); // error checks if (ensureNumber(self.startVal) && ensureNumber(self.endVal)) { self.decimals = Math.max(0, decimals || 0); self.dec = Math.pow(10, self.decimals); self.duration = Number(duration) * 1000 || 2000; self.countDown = (self.startVal > self.endVal); self.frameVal = self.startVal; self.initialized = true; return true; } else { self.error = '[CountUp] startVal ('+startVal+') or endVal ('+endVal+') is not a number'; return false; } }; // Print value to target self.printValue = function(value) { var result = self.options.formattingFn(value); if (self.d.tagName === 'INPUT') { this.d.value = result; } else if (self.d.tagName === 'text' || self.d.tagName === 'tspan') { this.d.textContent = result; } else { this.d.innerHTML = result; } }; self.count = function(timestamp) { if (!self.startTime) { self.startTime = timestamp; } self.timestamp = timestamp; var progress = timestamp - self.startTime; self.remaining = self.duration - progress; // to ease or not to ease if (self.options.useEasing) { if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = self.startVal - self.options.easingFn(progress, 0, self.startVal - self.endVal, self.duration); } else { self.frameVal = self.options.easingFn(progress, self.startVal, self.endVal - self.startVal, self.duration); } } else { if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = self.startVal - ((self.startVal - self.endVal) * (progress / self.duration)); } else { self.frameVal = self.startVal + (self.endVal - self.startVal) * (progress / self.duration); } } // don't go past endVal since progress can exceed duration in the last frame if (self.countDown) { self.frameVal = (self.frameVal < self.endVal) ? self.endVal : self.frameVal; } else { self.frameVal = (self.frameVal > self.endVal) ? self.endVal : self.frameVal; } // decimal self.frameVal = Math.round(self.frameVal*self.dec)/self.dec; // format and print value self.printValue(self.frameVal); // whether to continue if (progress < self.duration) { self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count); } else { if (self.callback) self.callback(); } }; // start your animation self.start = function(callback) { if (!self.initialize()) return; self.callback = callback; self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count); }; // toggles pause/resume animation self.pauseResume = function() { if (!self.paused) { self.paused = true; cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); } else { self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; self.duration = self.remaining; self.startVal = self.frameVal; requestAnimationFrame(self.count); } }; // reset to startVal so animation can be run again self.reset = function() { self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; self.initialized = false; if (self.initialize()) { cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); self.printValue(self.startVal); } }; // pass a new endVal and start animation self.update = function (newEndVal) { if (!self.initialize()) return; newEndVal = Number(newEndVal); if (!ensureNumber(newEndVal)) { self.error = '[CountUp] update() - new endVal is not a number: '+newEndVal; return; } self.error = ''; if (newEndVal === self.frameVal) return; cancelAnimationFrame(self.rAF); self.paused = false; delete self.startTime; self.startVal = self.frameVal; self.endVal = newEndVal; self.countDown = (self.startVal > self.endVal); self.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(self.count); }; // format startVal on initialization if (self.initialize()) self.printValue(self.startVal); }; return CountUp; })); // source --> https://sieuthichamsocxe.com/wp-content/themes/noor/framework/asset/site/js/module/dropkick.js?ver= /* * DropKick * * Highly customizable : ", sel); return false; } if ( sel.nodeName === "SELECT" ) { return this.init( sel, opts ); } }, noop = function() {}, _docListener, // DK default options defaults = { /** * Called once after the DK element is inserted into the DOM. * The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself. * * @config initialize * @type Function * */ initialize: noop, /** * Whether or not you would like Dropkick to render on mobile devices. * * @default false * @property {boolean} mobile * @type boolean * */ mobile: false, /** * Called whenever the value of the Dropkick select changes (by user action or through the API). * The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself. * * @config change * @type Function * */ change: noop, /** * Called whenever the Dropkick select is opened. The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself. * * @config open * @type Function * */ open: noop, /** * Called whenever the Dropkick select is closed. The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself. * * @config close * @type Function * */ close: noop, // Search method; "strict", "partial", or "fuzzy" /** * `"strict"` - The search string matches exactly from the beginning of the option's text value (case insensitive). * * `"partial"` - The search string matches part of the option's text value (case insensitive). * * `"fuzzy"` - The search string matches the characters in the given order (not exclusively). * The strongest match is selected first. (case insensitive). * * @default "strict" * @config search * @type string * */ search: "strict", /** * Bubble up the custom change event attached to Dropkick to the original element (select). */ bubble: true }, // Common Utilities _ = { hasClass: function( elem, classname ) { var reg = new RegExp( "(^|\\s+)" + classname + "(\\s+|$)" ); return elem && reg.test( elem.className ); }, addClass: function( elem, classname ) { if( elem && !_.hasClass( elem, classname ) ) { elem.className += " " + classname; } }, removeClass: function( elem, classname ) { var reg = new RegExp( "(^|\\s+)" + classname + "(\\s+|$)" ); elem && ( elem.className = elem.className.replace( reg, " " ) ); }, toggleClass: function( elem, classname ) { var fn = _.hasClass( elem, classname ) ? "remove" : "add"; _[ fn + "Class" ]( elem, classname ); }, // Shallow object extend extend: function( obj ) { Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ).forEach( function( source ) { if ( source ) { for ( var prop in source ) obj[ prop ] = source[ prop ]; } }); return obj; }, // Returns the top and left offset of an element offset: function( elem ) { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect() || { top: 0, left: 0 }, docElem = document.documentElement, offsetTop = isIE ? docElem.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset, offsetLeft = isIE ? docElem.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset; return { top: box.top + offsetTop - docElem.clientTop, left: box.left + offsetLeft - docElem.clientLeft }; }, // Returns the top and left position of an element relative to an ancestor position: function( elem, relative ) { var pos = { top: 0, left: 0 }; while ( elem && elem !== relative ) { pos.top += elem.offsetTop; pos.left += elem.offsetLeft; elem = elem.parentNode; } return pos; }, // Returns the closest ancestor element of the child or false if not found closest: function( child, ancestor ) { while ( child ) { if ( child === ancestor ) { return child; } child = child.parentNode; } return false; }, // Creates a DOM node with the specified attributes create: function( name, attrs ) { var a, node = document.createElement( name ); if ( !attrs ) { attrs = {}; } for ( a in attrs ) { if ( attrs.hasOwnProperty( a ) ) { if ( a === "innerHTML" ) { node.innerHTML = attrs[ a ]; } else { node.setAttribute( a, attrs[ a ] ); } } } return node; }, deferred: function( fn ) { return function() { var args = arguments, ctx = this; window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(ctx, args); }, 1); }; } }; // Cache of DK Objects Dropkick.cache = {}; Dropkick.uid = 0; // Extends the DK objects's Prototype Dropkick.prototype = { // Emulate some of HTMLSelectElement's methods /** * Adds an element to the select. This option will not only add it to the original * select, but create a Dropkick option and add it to the Dropkick select. * * @method add * @param {string} elem HTMLOptionElement * @param {Node/Integer} before HTMLOptionElement/Index of Element * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.add("New option", 5); * ``` */ add: function( elem, before ) { var text, option, i; if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { text = elem; elem = document.createElement("option"); elem.text = text; } if ( elem.nodeName === "OPTION" ) { option = _.create( "li", { "class": "dk-option", "data-value": elem.value, "text": elem.text, "innerHTML": elem.innerHTML, "role": "option", "aria-selected": "false", "id": "dk" + this.data.cacheID + "-" + ( elem.id || elem.value.replace( " ", "-" ) ) }); _.addClass( option, elem.className ); this.length += 1; if ( elem.disabled ) { _.addClass( option, "dk-option-disabled" ); option.setAttribute( "aria-disabled", "true" ); } if ( elem.hidden ) { _.addClass( option, "dk-option-hidden" ); option.setAttribute( "aria-hidden", "true" ); } this.data.select.add( elem, before ); if ( typeof before === "number" ) { before = this.item( before ); } i = this.options.indexOf( before ); if ( i > -1 ) { before.parentNode.insertBefore( option, before ); this.options.splice( i, 0, option ); } else { this.data.elem.lastChild.appendChild( option ); this.options.push( option ); } option.addEventListener( "mouseover", this ); if ( elem.selected ) { this.select( i ); } } }, /** * Selects an option in the list at the desired index (negative numbers select from the end). * * @method item * @param {Integer} index Index of element (positive or negative) * @return {Node} The DK option from the list, or null if not found * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.item(4); //returns DOM node of index * ``` */ item: function( index ) { index = index < 0 ? this.options.length + index : index; return this.options[ index ] || null; }, /** * Removes the option (from both the select and Dropkick) at the given index. * * @method remove * @param {Integer} index Index of element (positive or negative) * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.remove(4); * ``` */ remove: function( index ) { var dkOption = this.item( index ); dkOption.parentNode.removeChild( dkOption ); this.options.splice( index, 1 ); this.data.select.remove( index ); this.select( this.data.select.selectedIndex ); this.length -= 1; }, /** * Initializes the DK Object * * @method init * @private * @param {Node} sel [description] * @param {Object} opts Options to override defaults * @return {Object} The DK Object */ init: function( sel, opts ) { var i, dk = Dropkick.build( sel, "dk" + Dropkick.uid ); // Set some data on the DK Object this.data = {}; this.data.select = sel; this.data.elem = dk.elem; this.data.settings = _.extend({}, defaults, opts ); // Emulate some of HTMLSelectElement's properties /** * Whether the form is currently disabled or not * * @property {boolean} disabled * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.disabled; * ``` */ this.disabled = sel.disabled; /** * The form associated with the select * * @property {node} form * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.form; * ``` */ this.form = sel.form; /** * The number of options in the select * * @property {integer} length * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.length; * ``` */ this.length = sel.length; /** * If this select is a multi-select * * @property {boolean} multiple * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.multiple; * ``` */ this.multiple = sel.multiple; /** * An array of Dropkick options * * @property {array} options * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.options; * ``` */ this.options = dk.options.slice( 0 ); /** * An index of the first selected option * * @property {integer} selectedIndex * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.selectedIndex; * ``` */ this.selectedIndex = sel.selectedIndex; /** * An array of selected Dropkick options * * @property {array} selectedOptions * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.selectedOptions; * ``` */ this.selectedOptions = dk.selected.slice( 0 ); /** * The current value of the select * * @property {string} value * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.value; * ``` */ this.value = sel.value; // Add the DK Object to the cache this.data.cacheID = Dropkick.uid; Dropkick.cache[ this.data.cacheID ] = this; // Call the optional initialize function this.data.settings.initialize.call( this ); // Increment the index Dropkick.uid += 1; // Add the change listener to the select if ( !this._changeListener ) { sel.addEventListener( "change", this ); this._changeListener = true; } // Don't continue if we're not rendering on mobile if ( !( isMobile && !this.data.settings.mobile ) ) { // Insert the DK element before the original select sel.parentNode.insertBefore( this.data.elem, sel ); sel.setAttribute( "data-dkCacheId", this.data.cacheID ); // Bind events this.data.elem.addEventListener( "click", this ); this.data.elem.addEventListener( "keydown", this ); this.data.elem.addEventListener( "keypress", this ); if ( this.form ) { this.form.addEventListener( "reset", this ); } if ( !this.multiple ) { for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) { this.options[ i ].addEventListener( "mouseover", this ); } } if ( !_docListener ) { document.addEventListener( "click", Dropkick.onDocClick ); if ( isIframe ){ parent.document.addEventListener( "click", Dropkick.onDocClick ); } _docListener = true; } } return this; }, /** * Closes the DK dropdown * * @method close * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.close(); //closes dk dropdown * ``` */ close: function() { var i, dk = this.data.elem; if ( !this.isOpen || this.multiple ) { return false; } for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) { _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" ); } dk.lastChild.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" ); _.removeClass( dk.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" ); _.removeClass( dk, "dk-select-open-(up|down)" ); this.isOpen = false; this.data.settings.close.call( this ); }, /** * Opens the DK dropdown * * @method open * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.open(); //Opens the dk dropdown * ``` */ open: _.deferred(function() { var dropHeight, above, below, direction, dkTop, dkBottom, dk = this.data.elem, dkOptsList = dk.lastChild, // Using MDNs suggestion for crossbrowser scrollY: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollY supportPageOffset = window.pageXOffset !== undefined, isCSS1Compat = ((document.compatMode || "") === "CSS1Compat"), scrollY = supportPageOffset ? window.pageYOffset : isCSS1Compat ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; dkTop = _.offset( dk ).top - scrollY; dkBottom = window.innerHeight - ( dkTop + dk.offsetHeight ); if ( this.isOpen || this.multiple ) { return false; } dkOptsList.style.display = "block"; dropHeight = dkOptsList.offsetHeight; dkOptsList.style.display = ""; above = dkTop > dropHeight; below = dkBottom > dropHeight; direction = above && !below ? "-up" : "-down"; this.isOpen = true; //_.addClass( dk, "dk-select-open" + direction ); _.addClass( dk, "dk-select-open-down" ); dkOptsList.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "true" ); this._scrollTo( this.options.length - 1 ); this._scrollTo( this.selectedIndex ); this.data.settings.open.call( this ); }), /** * Disables or enables an option; if only a boolean is passed (or nothing), * then the entire Dropkick will be disabled or enabled. * * @method disable * @param {Integer} elem The element or index to disable * @param {Boolean} disabled Value of disabled * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * // To disable the entire select * select.disable(); * * // To disable just an option with an index * select.disable(4, true); * * // To re-enable the entire select * select.disable(false); * * // To re-enable just an option with an index * select.disable(4, false); * ``` */ disable: function( elem, disabled ) { var disabledClass = "dk-option-disabled"; if ( arguments.length === 0 || typeof elem === "boolean" ) { disabled = elem === undefined ? true : false; elem = this.data.elem; disabledClass = "dk-select-disabled"; this.disabled = disabled; } if ( disabled === undefined ) { disabled = true; } if ( typeof elem === "number" ) { elem = this.item( elem ); } if (disabled) { elem.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true ); _.addClass( elem, disabledClass ); } else { elem.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', false ); _.removeClass( elem, disabledClass ); } }, /** * Hides or shows an option. * * @method hide * @param {Integer} elem The element or index to hide * @param {Boolean} hidden Whether or not to hide the element * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * // To hide an option with an index * select.hide(4, true); * * // To make an option visible with an index * select.hide(4, false); * ``` */ hide: function( elem, hidden ) { var hiddenClass = "dk-option-hidden"; if ( hidden === undefined ) { hidden = true; } elem = this.item( elem ); if (hidden) { elem.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', true ); _.addClass( elem, hiddenClass ); } else { elem.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', false ); _.removeClass( elem, hiddenClass ); } }, /** * Selects an option from the list * * @method select * @param {String} elem The element, index, or value to select * @param {Boolean} disabled Selects disabled options * @return {Node} The selected element * @example * ```js * var elm = new Dropkick("#select"); * * // Select by index * elm.select(4); //selects & returns 5th item in the list * * // Select by value * elm.select("AL"); // selects & returns option with the value "AL" * ``` */ select: function( elem, disabled ) { var i, index, option, combobox, select = this.data.select; if ( typeof elem === "number" ) { elem = this.item( elem ); } if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { for ( i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { if ( this.options[ i ].getAttribute( "data-value" ) === elem ) { elem = this.options[ i ]; } } } // No element or enabled option if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" || ( !disabled && _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option-disabled" ) ) ) { return false; } if ( _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option" ) ) { index = this.options.indexOf( elem ); option = select.options[ index ]; if ( this.multiple ) { _.toggleClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" ); option.selected = !option.selected; if ( _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" ) ) { elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" ); this.selectedOptions.push( elem ); } else { elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" ); index = this.selectedOptions.indexOf( elem ); this.selectedOptions.splice( index, 1 ); } } else { combobox = this.data.elem.firstChild; if ( this.selectedOptions.length ) { _.removeClass( this.selectedOptions[0], "dk-option-selected" ); this.selectedOptions[0].setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" ); } _.addClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" ); elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" ); combobox.setAttribute( "aria-activedescendant", elem.id ); combobox.className = "dk-selected " + option.className; combobox.innerHTML = option.innerHTML; this.selectedOptions[0] = elem; option.selected = true; } this.selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex; this.value = select.value; if ( !disabled ) { this.data.select.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("change", {bubbles: this.data.settings.bubble})); } return elem; } }, /** * Selects a single option from the list and scrolls to it (if the select is open or on multi-selects). * Useful for selecting an option after a search by the user. Important to note: this doesn't close the * dropdown when selecting. It keeps the dropdown open and scrolls to proper position. * * @method selectOne * @param {Integer} elem The element or index to select * @param {Boolean} disabled Selects disabled options * @return {Node} The selected element * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.selectOne(4); * ``` */ selectOne: function( elem, disabled ) { this.reset( true ); this._scrollTo( elem ); return this.select( elem, disabled ); }, /** * Finds all options who's text matches a pattern (strict, partial, or fuzzy) * * `"strict"` - The search string matches exactly from the beginning of the * option's text value (case insensitive). * * `"partial"` - The search string matches part of the option's text value * (case insensitive). * * `"fuzzy"` - The search string matches the characters in the given order (not * exclusively). The strongest match is selected first. (case insensitive). * * @method search * @param {String} string The string to search for * @param {Integer} mode How to search; "strict", "partial", or "fuzzy" * @return {Boolean} An Array of matched elements */ search: function( pattern, mode ) { var i, tokens, str, tIndex, sIndex, cScore, tScore, reg, options = this.data.select.options, matches = []; if ( !pattern ) { return this.options; } // Fix Mode mode = mode ? mode.toLowerCase() : "strict"; mode = mode === "fuzzy" ? 2 : mode === "partial" ? 1 : 0; reg = new RegExp( ( mode ? "" : "^" ) + pattern, "i" ); for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { str = options[ i ].text.toLowerCase(); // Fuzzy if ( mode == 2 ) { tokens = pattern.toLowerCase().split(""); tIndex = sIndex = cScore = tScore = 0; while ( sIndex < str.length ) { if ( str[ sIndex ] === tokens[ tIndex ] ) { cScore += 1 + cScore; tIndex++; } else { cScore = 0; } tScore += cScore; sIndex++; } if ( tIndex === tokens.length ) { matches.push({ e: this.options[ i ], s: tScore, i: i }); } // Partial or Strict (Default) } else { reg.test( str ) && matches.push( this.options[ i ] ); } } // Sort fuzzy results if ( mode === 2 ) { matches = matches.sort( function ( a, b ) { return ( b.s - a.s ) || a.i - b.i; }).reduce( function ( p, o ) { p[ p.length ] = o.e; return p; }, [] ); } return matches; }, /** * Brings focus to the proper DK element * * @method focus * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * $("#some_elm").on("click", function() { * select.focus(); * }); * ``` */ focus: function() { if ( !this.disabled ) { ( this.multiple ? this.data.elem : this.data.elem.children[0] ).focus(); } }, /** * Resets the Dropkick and select to it's original selected options; if `clear` is `true`, * It will select the first option by default (or no options for multi-selects). * * @method reset * @param {Boolean} clear Defaults to first option if True * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * // Reset to originally `selected` option * select.reset(); * * // Reset to first option in select * select.reset(true); * ``` */ reset: function( clear ) { var i, select = this.data.select; this.selectedOptions.length = 0; for ( i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++ ) { select.options[ i ].selected = false; _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-selected" ); this.options[ i ].setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" ); if ( !clear && select.options[ i ].defaultSelected ) { this.select( i, true ); } } if ( !this.selectedOptions.length && !this.multiple ) { this.select( 0, true ); } }, /** * Rebuilds the DK Object * (use if HTMLSelectElement has changed) * * @method refresh * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * //... [change original select] ... * * select.refresh(); * ``` */ refresh: function() { if(Object.keys(this).length > 0 && !( isMobile && !this.data.settings.mobile )) { this.dispose().init( this.data.select, this.data.settings ); } }, /** * Removes the DK Object from the cache and the element from the DOM * * @method dispose * @example * ```js * var select = new Dropkick("#select"); * * select.dispose(); * ``` */ dispose: function() { if (Object.keys(this).length > 0 && !( isMobile && !this.data.settings.mobile )) { delete Dropkick.cache[ this.data.cacheID ]; this.data.elem.parentNode.removeChild( this.data.elem ); this.data.select.removeAttribute( "data-dkCacheId" ); } return this; }, // Private Methods /** * @method handleEvent * @private */ handleEvent: function( event ) { if ( this.disabled ) { return; } switch ( event.type ) { case "click": this._delegate( event ); break; case "keydown": this._keyHandler( event ); break; case "keypress": this._searchOptions( event ); break; case "mouseover": this._highlight( event ); break; case "reset": this.reset(); break; case "change": this.data.settings.change.call( this ); break; } }, /** * @method delegate * @private */ _delegate: function( event ) { var selection, index, firstIndex, lastIndex, target = event.target; if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option-disabled" ) ) { return false; } if ( !this.multiple ) { this[ this.isOpen ? "close" : "open" ](); if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option" ) ) { this.select( target ); } } else { if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option" ) ) { selection = window.getSelection(); if ( selection.type === "Range" ) selection.collapseToStart(); if ( event.shiftKey ) { firstIndex = this.options.indexOf( this.selectedOptions[0] ); lastIndex = this.options.indexOf( this.selectedOptions[ this.selectedOptions.length - 1 ] ); index = this.options.indexOf( target ); if ( index > firstIndex && index < lastIndex ) index = firstIndex; if ( index > lastIndex && lastIndex > firstIndex ) lastIndex = firstIndex; this.reset( true ); if ( lastIndex > index ) { while ( index < lastIndex + 1 ) { this.select( index++ ); } } else { while ( index > lastIndex - 1 ) { this.select( index-- ); } } } else if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) { this.select( target ); } else { this.reset( true ); this.select( target ); } } } }, /** * @method highlight * @private */ _highlight: function( event ) { var i, option = event.target; if ( !this.multiple ) { for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) { _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" ); } _.addClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" ); _.addClass( option, "dk-option-highlight" ); } }, /** * @method keyHandler * @private */ _keyHandler: function( event ) { var lastSelected, j, selected = this.selectedOptions, options = this.options, i = 1, keys = { tab: 9, enter: 13, esc: 27, space: 32, up: 38, down: 40 }; switch ( event.keyCode ) { case keys.up: i = -1; // deliberate fallthrough case keys.down: event.preventDefault(); lastSelected = selected[ selected.length - 1 ]; if ( _.hasClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" ) ) { _.removeClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" ); for ( j = 0; j < options.length; j++ ) { if ( _.hasClass( options[ j ], "dk-option-highlight" ) ) { _.removeClass( options[ j ], "dk-option-highlight" ); lastSelected = options[ j ]; } } } i = options.indexOf( lastSelected ) + i; if ( i > options.length - 1 ) { i = options.length - 1; } else if ( i < 0 ) { i = 0; } if ( !this.data.select.options[ i ].disabled ) { this.reset( true ); this.select( i ); this._scrollTo( i ); } break; case keys.space: if ( !this.isOpen ) { event.preventDefault(); this.open(); break; } // deliberate fallthrough case keys.tab: case keys.enter: for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { if ( _.hasClass( options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" ) ) { this.select( i ); } } // deliberate fallthrough case keys.esc: if ( this.isOpen ) { event.preventDefault(); this.close(); } break; } }, /** * @method searchOptions * @private */ _searchOptions: function( event ) { var results, self = this, keyChar = String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode || event.which ), waitToReset = function() { if ( self.data.searchTimeout ) { clearTimeout( self.data.searchTimeout ); } self.data.searchTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.data.searchString = ""; }, 1000 ); }; if ( this.data.searchString === undefined ) { this.data.searchString = ""; } waitToReset(); this.data.searchString += keyChar; results = this.search( this.data.searchString, this.data.settings.search ); if ( results.length ) { if ( !_.hasClass( results[0], "dk-option-disabled" ) ) { this.selectOne( results[0] ); } } }, /** * @method scrollTo * @private */ _scrollTo: function( option ) { var optPos, optTop, optBottom, dkOpts = this.data.elem.lastChild; if ( option === -1 || ( typeof option !== "number" && !option ) || ( !this.isOpen && !this.multiple ) ) { return false; } if ( typeof option === "number" ) { option = this.item( option ); } optPos = _.position( option, dkOpts ).top; optTop = optPos - dkOpts.scrollTop; optBottom = optTop + option.offsetHeight; if ( optBottom > dkOpts.offsetHeight ) { optPos += option.offsetHeight; dkOpts.scrollTop = optPos - dkOpts.offsetHeight; } else if ( optTop < 0 ) { dkOpts.scrollTop = optPos; } } }; // Static Methods /** * Builds the Dropkick element from a select element * * @method build * @private * @param {Node} sel The HTMLSelectElement * @return {Object} An object containing the new DK element and it's options */ Dropkick.build = function( sel, idpre ) { var selOpt, optList, i, options = [], ret = { elem: null, options: [], selected: [] }, addOption = function ( node ) { var option, optgroup, optgroupList, i, children = []; switch ( node.nodeName ) { case "OPTION": option = _.create( "li", { "class": "dk-option ", "data-value": node.value, "text": node.text, "innerHTML": node.innerHTML, "role": "option", "aria-selected": "false", "id": idpre + "-" + ( node.id || node.value.replace( " ", "-" ) ) }); _.addClass( option, node.className ); if ( node.disabled ) { _.addClass( option, "dk-option-disabled" ); option.setAttribute( "aria-disabled", "true" ); } if ( node.hidden ) { _.addClass( option, "dk-option-hidden" ); option.setAttribute( "aria-hidden", "true" ); } if ( node.selected ) { _.addClass( option, "dk-option-selected" ); option.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" ); ret.selected.push( option ); } ret.options.push( this.appendChild( option ) ); break; case "OPTGROUP": optgroup = _.create( "li", { "class": "dk-optgroup" }); if ( node.label ) { optgroup.appendChild( _.create( "div", { "class": "dk-optgroup-label", "innerHTML": node.label })); } optgroupList = _.create( "ul", { "class": "dk-optgroup-options" }); for ( i = node.children.length; i--; children.unshift( node.children[ i ] ) ); children.forEach( addOption, optgroupList ); this.appendChild( optgroup ).appendChild( optgroupList ); break; } }; ret.elem = _.create( "div", { "class": "dk-select" + ( sel.multiple ? "-multi" : "" ) }); optList = _.create( "ul", { "class": "dk-select-options", "id": idpre + "-listbox", "role": "listbox" }); if (sel.disabled) { _.addClass( ret.elem, "dk-select-disabled" ); ret.elem.setAttribute( 'aria-disabled', true ); } ret.elem.id = idpre + ( sel.id ? "-" + sel.id : "" ); _.addClass( ret.elem, sel.className ); if ( !sel.multiple ) { selOpt = sel.options[ sel.selectedIndex ]; ret.elem.appendChild( _.create( "div", { "class": "dk-selected " + selOpt.className, "tabindex": sel.tabindex || 0, "innerHTML": selOpt ? selOpt.text : ' ', "id": idpre + "-combobox", "aria-live": "assertive", "aria-owns": optList.id, "role": "combobox" })); optList.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" ); } else { ret.elem.setAttribute( "tabindex", sel.getAttribute( "tabindex" ) || "0" ); optList.setAttribute( "aria-multiselectable", "true" ); } for ( i = sel.children.length; i--; options.unshift( sel.children[ i ] ) ); options.forEach( addOption, ret.elem.appendChild( optList ) ); return ret; }; /** * Focus DK Element when corresponding label is clicked; close all other DK's * * @method onDocClick * @private * @param {Object} event Event from document click */ Dropkick.onDocClick = function( event ) { var tId, i; if (event.target.nodeType !== 1) { return false; } if ( ( tId = event.target.getAttribute( "data-dkcacheid" ) ) !== null ) { Dropkick.cache[ tId ].focus(); } for ( i in Dropkick.cache ) { if ( !_.closest( event.target, Dropkick.cache[ i ].data.elem ) && i !== tId ) { Dropkick.cache[ i ].disabled || Dropkick.cache[ i ].close(); } } }; // Add jQuery method if ( jQuery !== undefined ) { jQuery.fn.dropkick = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ); return jQuery( this ).each(function() { if ( !args[0] || typeof args[0] === 'object' ) { new Dropkick( this, args[0] || {} ); } else if ( typeof args[0] === 'string' ) { Dropkick.prototype[ args[0] ].apply( new Dropkick( this ), args.slice( 1 ) ); } }); }; } return Dropkick; })); // source --> https://sieuthichamsocxe.com/wp-content/themes/noor/framework/asset/site/js/module/headroom.min.js?ver= /*! * headroom.js v0.9.4 - Give your page some headroom. 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Basically that * means you are free to use hoverIntent as long as this header is left intact. * Copyright 2007, 2014 Brian Cherne */ !function(e){e.fn.hoverIntent=function(t,n,o){var r={interval:100,sensitivity:6,timeout:0};r="object"==typeof t?e.extend(r,t):e.isFunction(n)?e.extend(r,{over:t,out:n,selector:o}):e.extend(r,{over:t,out:t,selector:n});var v,i,u,s,h=function(e){v=e.pageX,i=e.pageY},I=function(t,n){return n.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(n.hoverIntent_t),Math.sqrt((u-v)*(u-v)+(s-i)*(s-i)) https://sieuthichamsocxe.com/wp-content/themes/noor/framework/asset/site/js/module/ie.js?ver= /*! 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